Join a Home Group

[Young Adults gathered at a Bible Study]

Home groups are groups of around ten people who meet during the week.

They give us the opportunity to ask questions and discover what the Bible means for our lives today.

They provide a place we can get to know one another better, encourage and support each other as we grow in our Christian lives, and care for each other’s needs.

How do I join?

Please fill in the form below. It will then go to Mike Saunders who will allocate you to a group. The group leader will then introduce themselves and include you in the group as you feel comfortable.

*indicates a required field

What happens in a home group?

At each meeting we have a time of worship, perhaps with some music, either listening or singing. We then look at the Bible together and discover how to apply it to our daily lives, before bringing one another’s needs to God in prayer. Meetings last around two hours and include time to catch up socially.

Confidentiality is important; everything that is said in the group stays in the group. This creates a very safe environment in which people can talk openly and honestly.

Why join a home group?

  • To get to know other church members in a more informal setting. This enables us to form strong and genuine friendships with other Christians.
  • To look at God’s word in more depth with more time for discussion. We can learn how to apply God’s word to our lives, and freely and openly ask questions.
  • To pray for each other, the church, our neighbourhood and the world and to be encouraged as we see prayers answered.
  • To build each other up, support and care for each other and grow in faith together.
  • Our home groups usually follow the topic covered in the previous Sunday’s sermon. So come along, ask your questions, discuss your thoughts and grow as a person to fulfil God’s plan for you.

Current Groups

Starting the week beginning 20th January, our topic will be Luke's Parables.



Week Topic Bible
Notes Other
1 Two Builders Luke 6:46-49
2 The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
3 The Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21
4 The Great Banquet Luke 14:15-22
5 Sin, Grace, and Salvation Luke 16:1-15
6 Lazarus and the Rich Man Luke 16:19-31
7 The Pharisee & Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14
8 The Parable of the 10 Minas Luke 19:11-27

For further information please contact:
  • Rev. Mike Saunders
  • 01488 208341
  • Every day except Thursday
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