What have you given up this lent?
Saturday 24th February 2024 12:00
Listening to the people I meet, some have given up chocolate, others have given up cake and biscuits and several have given up alcohol. I like to prove to myself that I can still choose to avoid things which are less than healthy, to prove to myself I am not addicted and to have a reset to zero. But the real purpose of giving something up for lent is to train ourselves in discipline.
Christians are people who are becoming more like Jesus and we all have bad habits which it would be good to give up. The Pope suggested we fast from:- anger, pessimism, worries, complaints, selfishness and grudges. And his tweet was retweeted by our bishop, the Bishop of Reading.
I would also encourage you to take something on during lent. A spiritual habit which will help us to become more like Jesus. One of my favourite habits is “The Examen” which is like a review of the day. The way I do this is I have an A5 spiral bound notebook, I write the date and then I write five things to say “thank you” for and one “sorry” from the last 24 hours. I have used the examen in one form or another for 30 years and I would say it has given me an attitude of gratitude. It helps me to say “thank you,” to the girl at the checkout, to the utility company or the bank on the phone and to the driver who has let me go first.
Let’s all co-operate with God to become more like Christ this lent