Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost is the third most important festival after Christmas and Easter in the Christian year. Pentecost is fifty days after Easter day and is when we remember that God the Holy Spirit fills all Christians just like he filled St Peter and St Paul and all of the early church. 

On Easter Day the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples. Over the next 40 days he appeared again and again and on one occasion he appeared to over 500 people at once. 

On Ascension Day while the disciples watched Jesus rose up from the ground and disappeared into a cloud but not before he had promised them “you will receive power when the Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses”. 

So for the next 10 days about 120 disciples met daily to ask God to send his Holy Spirit and on Pentecost Sunday he arrived. There was the sound of a violent wind, they saw what looked like tongues of fire on each of them and they began to speak in languages they had not learned. 

On Sunday 19 May we will be retelling this story again at 8.00am BCP communion, at our main service the 10.00am communion and at 4.00pm with all of the churches of Hungerford in the context of a Songs of Praise service. We would love it if you could join us as we ask God to refill us with the wind of his Holy Spirit. All are welcome, come as you are.

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