Climate Change is Here!
Sunday 29th September 2024 10:49
The weather has been so wet I have had several people ask me “Are you building an ark?” We have had loads of rain in September and the pictures of flooding in Europe look grim. But why? Why is there more rain?
To me it seems self-evident that if the sea is warmer then there will be more evaporation and if there is more evaporation then there will be more clouds and eventually the clouds will fall as rain. Climate change is here.
So what can we do about it. The Genesis story tells us that God made the plants and the trees, the birds animals and fish before he made people. And when God made people he also gave us a purpose, “to work the garden and take care of it”.
I think of it as being like loving our neighbour. Because I love my neighbour, I want them to reach their full potential including wanting the children to flourish at school, the hungry to be fed and the isolated to be able to make new friends. Similarly, when I love creation, I want creation to reach its full potential. For example, when we grow fruit and veg in our garden we care for the soil by adding compost and as a result the soil works hard for us producing crops of tomatoes and butternut squash, raspberries and apples and even 4 melons!
If you like there is a mutual flourishing. Gardening is good for our wellbeing; the garden produces a crop and every green leaf removes a little CO2 from the atmosphere.
Our Harvest Festival is on Sun 6 October, at 10.00 there is a family service for everyone and at 4.00pm there is Harvest songs of praise with churches together. On Sat 19 October at 8.30am there is a continental breakfast with Prof Mike Morecroft talking and leading a discussion about The Environment and on Sun 27 October on Climate Sunday, Martin Hodson from the John Ray Institute is coming to speak.
We would love to invite you to join us for these events so that we better understand climate change and what we can do to help nature to flourish.
Yours sincerely,